So, my wonderful brother Norm did my 16 week ultrasound yesterday. Mom, Marie, and Sarah were present for this ultrasound. Everyone wanted to be there when the sex of the baby was determined. Mom and Marie were early, like all good people should be and Sarah was a little late, so she wasn't initially present when we discovered the gender of the baby. But, I think she was still happy that she got to see the baby.
The first thing that I noticed when we saw the baby on the screen was that it was a lot bigger than the last time we saw it. The baby didn't have nearly as much room in there as it did before. A month ago, the baby was moving and flipping around inside of me, but this time, it hardly moved at all because it was all squished in there. It was weird how much it had grown. Norm measured it and the baby is still bigger than it should be. It is a week and a half bigger than it should be. Stupid Derington/Kimball genes.
So, the baby was being all shy at first and had it's back to us, but eventually it turned around and Norm was able to get a good shot of the bum and it's a girl! Matt and I are very happy. I'm excited because now I get to buy a bunch of girl stuff. Plus, girl babies are usually a lot cuter than boy babies and I really want my baby to be cute.
This ultrasound was a lot of fun because the baby was bigger and easy to see her features. Mom immediately started talking baby talk to the ultrasound machine and we were forced to make fun of her. Marie was freakin' out the whole time with a high squeaky voice, which only got squeakerier when the baby moved. I think that Matt and I were the most calm during the whole thing. We were just happy that she is healthy and growing strong.
After we were done, Marie had a surprise for us. She gave us a baby book for a girl. It is really cute and it has places where I can write about the pregnancy and put pictures of the baby and stuff. It is really cool.
So, congrats to all the winners who guessed right. Make sure to laugh at all the losers and make them feel bad about themselves.