The time has come to cast your vote. Some are new, some are reletively old to the blog that is mine and I wanna know what it is that you want to hear about. I could blog and blog about me until my ears fell off but that would be gross and doesn't make any sense at all. So, as my adoring fans I want to cater to you. What do you want to hear and chat about? Your options are as thus:
Random thoughts and ponderings of Becky
Current events
Buffy and all things James Marsters
Strange polls like "If you had three wishes but couldn't wish for more wishes, what would they be?"
Funny Stuff (I don't know what this would entail, but it would be funny! Dangit!)
More comments from the team members who are not Becky (Ahem, Sarah,Lisa and Marie!)
Or you can write in your own topic that you want to hear about.
I'm here for you my fans and I'm here to please. I'm merely trying to give the people what they want, so what the heck do you want?
Thank you for you consideration,
5 years ago
Becky your like the coolest! I love your blog, I find it insiteful and fascinating. I totally wish that I were you or at least on your team! I think that you should write more about cheese. There isn't really enough text out there about cheese and it should definitely be addressed.
-Your biggest fan
Cheese is a good topic Fan of Me. How could I have not seen it before? Thank you so much for the insite, Me or one of my team will definitely be posting about Cheese very soon.
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