Today, while contemplating the meaning of life, I thought about the title and meaning of my blog. Tall Minds. What does this mean? Why is this blog for all those, taller, prettier and smarter than all the rest of you dwarves out there? I have come to the conclusion that Tall Minds means so much more than I could have ever fathomed at the creation of this blog. Not only does Tall Minds act as an aspiration for all to learn and expand their minds, and intellect, but it also signifies that those who blog here are marginally smarter than those who do not blog here.
In addition, Tall Minds caters to the tall people of the world, which can be seen as physically tall or metaphorically tall. Those who tower above others and seek to fulfill their hopes and dreams. This blog is for those people. Whereas the dwarves merely seclude themselves in their own personal caves, digging themselves deeper into their own world, never dreaming of exploring out into that big world. This blog is for those who want to be involved with the masses and make a difference in the world.
And we bloggers of this blog are naturally prettier than dwarves because we lack beards and that is just a given.
So, to all those, short, small minded, cave dwellers, "Open up your Minds! Grow a little! See the light! Come back to us! Read my blog dangit!"
Also, watch more Buffy, you can never have enough Buffy
5 years ago
I completely agree, except for the word marginally. Marginally does not begin to describe how much smarter than we are than the other dwarves out there. A better word would have to be immensely, we are immensely smarter than the others. We tower over them with both our physical and metaphorical height and laugh in their slack jawed, back country faces. Mwahahahahahahaha!
You said it sister!
I am short, you know this. Though the thought of me having a tall rather exciting.
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