I give! Natalie is better at keeping her blog updated and that is all there is to it. Not to mention that really only Nat and I comment on each other's blogs, where we could just call each other on the phone; it is time for a change! More people will come and comment on my blog and those people will be real and not just me using a different name! In addition, Natalie is in no way cooler than me, but she is quite pretty!
So to all you people of the world, come, visit, comment, mock, share, ect...
Becky has spoken-
5 years ago
I am soooo cooler than you and you know it!
Well, your blog was dormant for so long that i just kinda gave up. I thought to myself Kyle, that's what i call myself, Becky aint gonna blog any ore, and neither are her friends, so give up Kyle, the dream is gone, no more stupid inside jokes, or wacky pictures, or just zany loveable becky, it's over. Then i cried a lot, and finally today, after finishing an essay at school, i decided to check up, and here it is, a plethera of beautiful blogs, i could not be more proud.
I'm sure you could be more proud because it could be more words rather than tons of pictures splotted about the page but all the same. Oh yeah, Kyle is myself, not yourself, and YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!
I know I would have been more proud had there been more text.
Wow four fingers...on one hand or all together?
Did he lift the Fridge?
You sold a fridge for four fingers? That is gross E! What ever happened to good old fashion money? Or like an arm or a leg, you know, "Its gonna cost me an arma and a leg to buy this fridge." But you let him have it for four fingers. I truly think that you went too cheap. Just think of the other body parts you coulda had.
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