Okay! I have returned from Vegas, finally! Or I returned two days ago and was just too lazy to post before this point. On to the movie review. (spoiler free)
Well! After getting lost only a little, Natalie found Vegas and the Palms where the movie was playing. Although we were an hour and a half early, the line for the movie had already grown. We got in line and waited and talked with other Browncoats and got free Serenity buttons and keychains while I called the credit card company and changed my account because I, being the genius that I am, lost my credit card on the trip down. Anyway... a camera crew soon arrived and began filming and interviewing the fans in line. Nat and I were not interviewed, but we were in the background of one interview, so I think that that counts for something at least. One guy had a Jayne hat and that was just fan tabulous! Or a word that isn't lame. We were led into the theater about a half hour before, and searched for video equipment as we went in. I am sad to inform you all that Natalie lost her sharpie in that search. It was tragic!
Once in the theater, we were surrounded by people who were as much of freaks as we were. We met some people who had been on set during filming and I was jealous a lot. They had pictures.
About three minutes before the movie started, we noticed the camera crew filming the entrance to the theater. This intrigued us because 'what were they filming?' After a little suspense, Joss Whedon and Summer Glau walked into our theater! Joss freaking Whedon, the writer/director of our movie was in the theater with us. Shocked! All I could do was stand there with my mouth wide open while pointing frantically and trying to clap. I'm sure it was an amusing picture. Joss is shorter than I first thought, but just as handsome as I expected. He went to the front of the theater and said a few words, which for the life of me I can't remember, but I blame it on the shock. Summer said hello too. Joss actually introduced himself as he was about to come onto the big screen for his video introduction of the movie. He moved to the entry way of the theater again and all eyes followed him. Once noticing this, he ducked down behind the wall and then peaked out in a Jossesque antic fashion. That guy cracks me up.
We then saw big Joss as he introduced the screening. Unfortunately the intro was for the screening only, so for all you losers who are seeing the movie in September, you probably won't see it until it hits DVD. But I will give you a blurb from what I remember. Joss said that Firefly was the basis of the movie 'Serenity' and that Firefly was revered as the most cancelled show ever by many. And that cancelled shows don't get made into movies, but because of the devotion of the fans and Universals belief in Joss, they were able to make a movie. Joss incouraged us to tell everyone we know about the movie if we liked it, but that if we didn't like it, then it was a quite time for us. Joss and Summer, I believe, watched the movie with us fans and that was intimidating and exciting. I mean, how often is it that a group of fans gets to watch a movie with the writer/directer and the female star sitting right there. I only hope that our reactions were what they expected.
The movie started, the picture was somewhat grainy and the sound was a little off, but the storyline was exciting and moved along the entire time. There wasn't a time during the movie that I wasn't entranced with what was happening. Joss in typical Joss fashion, takes the viewer with him, into his world and allows the audience to be involved in the storyline. I laughed, I cried, it was the best movie I have seen all year. (Yes baby, I liked it even more than Phantom, but I am slightly biased)
When the movie finished, I believe that we cheered, but it is difficult to say because I was crying like a very tall baby. But I cry at just about every movie, so that is nothing new. They set up tables and announced that Joss and Summer would be signing autographs. Freaked I was! I mean, I spend hundreds of dollars on going to Buffy Conventions and more money on buying autographs from the stars and here I was, in the presence of Joss Whedon and I was going to get his autograph without having to pay anything except the $10 I paid to get into the movie. I was happy and disgruntled. But mostly just happy. Nat and I got Summer autograph first on a little Serenity flyer/memorabilia type thing and I told Summer that she kicked but in the movie and she said that it was fun. Then Nat asked for a picture with Joss and she stood by him, but I didn't know how to work her camera phone, so it didn't work and we started freaking out and Joss told us, "It's okay guys, don't stress out." Which you would think it would be embarrassing, but it was more like, "Joss Whedon is speaking to us! *drool*" So then we had to move away from the table after Nat got a quick shot of just Joss on her phone and I yelled at him for something that he did in the movie that I was not happy with because, of course, when I am seeing the man that I idolize, I yell at him like a big freak. But Joss made a joke and said that it was Summer's idea to do the thing that I was mad about and that he wanted to go another way, but Summer insisted. That Joss is a riot!
Well, we promptly left the theater after that because we were in states of shock and were not thinking. We should have stayed, but we are dumb.
And that was it, the movie screening was great and I now miss Vegas and revere it as the city that I met Joss Whedon in. It was a good night.
5 years ago
Baby that is an immensely long post, you blab with the best i must say. I'm so happy you got to meet joss, a little jealous, and very scared that you called him handsome. The yelling is really my fav part of the story i must say, and you must show me this memorabelia. love you baby!
I love you too Becky! But mostly I love Joss. Cause...Joss is like...Joss.
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