Justin tipped me off to this site and i believe it to be a noble cause. Toby is the cutest bunny in the world and I don't want him to die. I call upon my friends who are truest and dearest to me to gather strengths to save this little rabbit from inevitable death. So please, click on the title link and find out about Toby and I hope that your heart will reach out to him as mine has. Hold on Toby, hold on! You have the heart of a champion!
Tragic update! Toby's site was gotten! For unknown reasons, someone wants Toby to die and they have torn down his site to do so. Why? Why do people want Toby to die? I ask you this. Who would tear down Save Toby to lead to his inevitable death? It is a sad sad world we live in. Don't give up hope readers, continue to try to access SaveToby.com and maybe, just maybe, we can still save Toby.
For those of you who don't know already. Toby is a bunny. And Toby is going to be eaten on the 30th of June 2005 if the owner doesn't raise $50,000 by that date. The owner of the bunny will eat him. And it will be all our faults because the money wasn't raised. Toby has 10 days left to live and there is only 28,000 dollars raised. And I know that with my help and with your help, we can still save the little guy from an early death.
5 years ago
Eat Toby! Toby yummy, yummy Toby, must eat Toby cuz he yummy!
That is the gist of it. He is threatening his pet rabbits life and he has raised more than half of his asking price, but I fear that Toby's death is still nigh at hand. And it has already been done with the rabbit and the saving and the money; I don't think it can be pulled off again. But good effort.
Becky I admire your efforts to save Toby...alas...I fear that his end is inevitable. We can only hope for a magical change of heart in the barbarian that holds Toby prisoner, and that as he is about to cook Toby, his heart will grow 3 sizes that day, and he will lift Toby out of the pot and hold him high in the air as he twirls around singing a lovely song about the joy of bunnies. Then he could start a sitcom, "Life with Toby" in which he is a lonely but somewhat wealthy bachelor whose only friend is Toby, and Toby could keep making little quips about how he was going to be eaten, and then the landlord will come by for the rent and the man can say "Sorry, my rabbit ate it!" Ha ha ha!! Oh, my sides are splitting already! Someone call the WB!
Ok, so the Toby sight is back up, but the guy hasn't made a cent since March I don't think. And now, I'm officially changing camps. I want Toby to die. And if people pay me $7,000 by June 29, 2005 (that's right, we can get the drop on the people trying to save him) then I will go and kill Toby on June 29th, and rob the other guy of the glory of the kill. Heck, maybe I'll kill that guy too and take the $28,000 he's managed to steal, and then I'll kill any cats I see on the way to and from killing Toby. I guess I would have to choose a different name then www.killtoby.com, something more like www.killeverythingneartobyandthenkilltoby.com
or something. Yep, it's a Justin's Killing Rampage, and it's all yours for just $7,000. That's so cheap? Come on, I'm practically giving this rampage away! I'm like Discount Rampage Wearhouse over here!
You are funny Justin, I like you. And please don't kill Toby, he is so cute and cudly.
Okay, so apparently the guy who wants to kill Toby had a change of heart after all and has PROLONGED Toby's Deathdate until NOVEMBER 6, 2006!!! That's right, Toby now gets to live more than a YEAR longer because the guy didn't make enough money! So....it looks to me like donating would actually lead to Toby's demise earlier. So, the moral of the story is: If you want to save Toby, DON'T PAY the schmuck who's running the sight, plain and simple. As soon as he has the $50,000, Toby's history. As long as the loser thinks he can get more money, Toby is safe.
Now...I need to modify my last post on this topic. I am now offering to Save Toby myself, yes, that's right, to go and Save Toby from this Tyrant, and probably kill the guy too using some cool giant-ninja moves. So I am accepting donations for wicked cool ninja weapons that I can use to save Toby. We only have 16 months!!!!!
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