Seeing as how Marie is in the lead in the "Becky's Sayings" contest, I decided to tribute her by putting some of my favorite Marie sayings.
"Becky you need to clean"
"Shnookle lookle look look"
"Millie!"-Since Millie is her favorite, she does say her name an awful lot and she says it with the same intonation.
"Hmm"(In a snooty sort of defiance tone)
Okay, that is all I can think of currently. But since I have power to change my post at will, when I think of more, I will post.
5 years ago
What the crap!
"Hmm"(In a snooty sort of defiance tone)
I don't know what "tone" you are referring to.
And "Shnookle lookle look look" I don't say that. I do say Shnookles, Shnookie, and Honey Honey Honey.
I have way more sayings then that. Sarah, give it a try.
(Thanks for the red lettering Bec.)
Well, she says Kitty and Baby a lot, there's different intonations though, like mad, happy, sad, etc, etc.
"chwistian, may i bowwow" is the correct one bec
"your mom's apparent"
"I killed your baby boy!"
"I have a baby boy"
"You owe me money" she says that one to me a lot!
"You're paying for me" cuz I owe her money
"Bec you need to do [fill in da blank with a chore]"
Lotsa your mom jokes, cuz we all do 'em
She gives me a look a lot, and if it could be put into words it would be "Uh, you're stupid"
"Should we?" with finger motions like unto mr burns and a sneaky lil' grin, this is usually in reference to getting candy, or a movie pass, or doing something.
"This isn't your Mom's house, clean up after yourself"
K, sorry, my mind tis blank, I can think of no more sayings. I think we should have a Sarah sayings one, cuz I saw a lot of things.
Wow, that Marie girl sounds really cool. She has lots of cool sayings.
OH wait I got one! a Becky qoute!!!!! Just one though...ready???
"Oink Meow!" Clearly I win!
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