I know that I have geek friends out there, and maybe even some of them read this blog, so I call for your knowledge. Final Fantasy VII and the PS3: Just a demo or really being remade? I need hard facts since I have decided to fill my voided life with electronics. It began by buying a TV and DVD player and a game system is next. But, to do this, I need solid facts on the game possibilities and the goods and bads of the systems.
So, if you are a geek, and knowledgable, then share.
5 years ago
Woohoo! First to answer the call!!
There was the technical demo made, but Tetsuo Nomura, the head of SquareEnix and pretty much all the FF games has said in a few unofficial interviews that they are going to make FFVII for the PS3. It's just a question of when.
I got the FFVII: Advent Children special edition 2-disc DVD today, and there is nothing on there about an FFVII game for the PS3.
So, in short, it is unofficially announced, and is not a question of IF, but WHEN. Will probably be a few years before we see a release though, because at the moment they've got their hands full with FFXI, and finishing up FFXII and FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus (a Devil-May-Cry style game for the PS2 that takes place 3 years after FFVII and features Vincent as the main character).
There, you geeked-out yet?
I'm officially geeked. But I wonder... when will FFXII ever come out? Hasn't it been in the making for like 3 years? Lame-o-licious!
Oh and I marvel at your geek like knowledge.
I am sorry btu i will ahev to disagree with my asteamed contemporary. This technical demo was released at 2005 E3 confrence. Featuring the entire opeiong cineimatic fromt eh original and incredible graphics, this demo made me think that there was a going to be a remake. As much as i would like that, it is stated at IGN.com (http://ps3.ign.com/objects/748/748460.html) that the president of Square Enix, President Yoichi Wada, firmly destroyed all hope of a remake by saying that the demo was, "meant for display purposes only and was not proof of an actual remake of the original game"
As sad as that is there is a complilation of FF VII, namely Dirage of Cerebrus (PS2), Crisis Core and Before Crisis (games for either cell phone or PSP that complete the Advent Children arc)
Still, i would go fora PS3 when they come out in Early November, judt in time for the Christmas Rush. Maybe wait a bit for the $400 price tag to come down.
As for the Legendary Final Fantasy XII. Its out here in japan now. Which mean that the english version is close behind. I'm gonna predict 4th Quarter (Oct-Dec) of this year. Again, just in time for Christmas.
Hope that helped Bec...
Bah, previous comment I made was too long.
Basically, Nomura has said he wants to do one, but yes, the Technical Demo was simply that and nothing more. However, I would wager that given the enthusiastic fan response from the TechDemo, both Sony and SquareEnix would stand to gain a lot from a FFVII re-make for PS3. So while we can only hope, the hope has a good chance, plus the backing of the personal desires of Tetsuo Nomura, and he pretty much owns/runs SquareEnix...and Japan, I hear. Or something like that.
Without any disrespect to Sigma, I would have to advise completely against the XBox 360. Hardware-wise, the original XBox was more powerful than the PS2, true. But the same does not hold true for the next generation of systems. The XBox 360 is a few steps ahead of the XBox, but the PS3 is leaps and bounds beyond both the PS2, XBox, and even further than the XBox 360. In this next generation, Sony has the upper-hand in pure hardware power, with features such as the Cell Multi-core Processor, and Blue-Ray technology, (and for those party games, it is capable of being "connected" to 7 additional controllers via BlueTooth wireless technology). This will be a new dynamic as Sony has both the better developers and the better hardware.
Many people would be very happy with the XBox 360, I hear it's a decent system. However, I don't know a single person in all my geek circles who actually owns one, and the most basic reason is this: Halo 3 isn't released yet. Halo fans will love the XBox 360 when Halo 3 comes out, but anyone wanting to play anything else would be better off with the PS2.
As far as compatibility, there has been only one Final Fantasy title ever made for the XBox or the XBox 360, and it is Final Fantasy XI (11). This is the online game (think World of WarCraft) that had already been on PS2 and PC for about 2 years, and they are now letting those who own an XBox 360 join in on the fun if they wish.
Speaking of compatibility, the PS3 will be able to play all games from the PSOne and PS2, so you really only need 1 system. I haven't heard if Microsoft is doing this with the new XBox...they may or may not.
Basically, if you want just any system and you want it now, then the XBox 360 might be a choice, though I would just as soon go with a PS2 since the price is now dropped to $130. Heck, I'll sell you mine when the PS3 comes out in the Fall.
And if I'm not geeky enough, here's an easy to follow bulleted list highlighting the strengths of each system. (You asked for geeky, you got geeky :) And long-winded.)
XBox 360
-Decent Hardware
-Good Online System
-Available Now
-Might play DVDs? (the first XBox requred you to buy a special plug-in to play DVDs for $30)
-Potential Future release of Halo 3
Exclusive (not on PS2) Games
-Halo 2
-Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic*
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
-Other Star Wars games*
*Available also for PC
-Revolutionary Technology such as:
-Cell Processor (8 processors put into 1)
-Blue-Ray technology (better than DVD)
-BlueTooth compatibility
-Backwards Compatibility (plays PSOne and PS2 games)
-DVD player capability built-in
-Promises a better Online experience than the PS2
Exclusive Games
-Nearly All SquareEnix Titles
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (though a remake will likely come out for the 360 a year or two after)
-Devil May Cry
-Gran Turismo
-Jak & Daxter
-Star Ocean
-Entire PSOne and PS2 Libraries
So if you want a Next Generation System and you want it now, get an XBox 360. However, I would see this as a decision you would regret--especially if they bring out FFVII for PS3, and that I can guarantee would be an exclusive Sony contract.
Wow...how long was that one? Time for me to geek-out somewhere else.
Good point, I had forgotten those other XBox 360 games. Those are also good reasons to own an XBox 360 if you are a fan of those games.
Oh man, how could I have forgotten to put God of War on my awesome PS2 titles??!?!?!! That game owns all other games!!
I guess the only real solution is to forget ever saving money and to buy both systems. :) And if you do that, Beck, you can be sure to have at least 2 geeks over pretty much all the time. :)
I now have an overwhelming appreciation for all the geeky friends that I have. Especially Justin because he is the long winded kind of geeky.
After much thought and consideration and after examining all the facts presented on this board I've decided to go with the PS3.
I may have to wait a little longer for it to come out, but Justin made it sound so good. Not to mention I am really an RPGer when it comes to games and I love FF and Star Ocean, so I really must stay true to my roots.
The XBox 360 sounds very cool, but if I am to buy one, I'm thinking it must be the PS3, even if they aren't remaking FFVII. Though I find it very sad that they may not be remaking the game because it is a classic and should be remade with better graphics. I suppose I will just have to setttle with watching the demo again, and again and again.
Hopefully I will get Mike's PS2 when he moves and that will tide me over until the release of the PS3.
Thank you friends, you have shown your geek colors and I am grateful and oh so proud.
Dude, if you're a geek, then hiding it only makes it worse. Don't deny who you are! Bask in the glory of your Geekihood!! For I am TallGeek, Tallest of the Geeks, and my Tallness and Geekiness are beyond all others!!
Sadly, this is the formula to a sad and lonely existence that will ultimately end with me dying completely alone and nothing but my oversize shoes and World of WarCraft account to mourn me.
Oh, by the way, Becky, you are TallGeekess (no relation), cuz you're the Tallest and Geekiest Girl, so I guess for that category you're as Tall and Geeky as I am, in respect to our genders. So what does that make us? Well...the answer is quite simple...it makes us...COMPLETE ARCH-NEMESES!! Either that, or people that like to talk about Final Fantasy on their websites.
Also, I'd like to officially announce that this post has gotten more response from me (worthless and otherwise) than any other written thing in the history of written things to which I would respond. *Officially Stamps it*
TallGeek, did you steal the official stamp from my office again? How many times do I have to tell you that you need to mail in for special geek certification to use that stamp?
Well, now that we are arch nemesises, nemisi, nemisisisisisisi, I think I might have to do something evil to fulfill my role. Unless I am the good guy. Am I the good guy, or to be more accurate, girl?
Anyway, How's Tuesday (this day) for Advent? Since you seem to be busy every other day of the week according to your im? Or I could just wait until you return from that place across the big puddle where you will be visiting people who like cheese and bread.
Can I be the evil one?
Yeah, I'm probably the evil one, so just keep doing good things and thwarting my evil geeky schemes.
Marie, yes you can be evil too, but you're not nearly Geeky enough to be an evil geek, so...you're going to have to be some kind of EvilGraduate or something...we'll figure out a name for you too, and also for Col. RedTruck....actually, I think I just gave him a name right there.
Advent Children tonight, yes! There will be much motorcycle battles and defying of physics, and especially a lot of 150-pound to 1000-pound swords!! Thank you Japan!
Ah, what a sad, sad life I would lead without Anime and other geeky substances.
You're right. I can't be an evil geek, but I can just be evil...or am I already....
I will be Evilette and Anthon (RedTruck) will be Evilo.
Ah yes, much better name choice. Evilo and Evilette. Eeeeeeeexcellent.
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