I'm home! After a week of family filled fun and arguing, I've finally returned from my abominably long Eastern trip. I saw a lot, and took some pics and I will post all about it later. I just wanted to interject this quick thought.
Airplane ticket to DC $400
Doing lots of fun activities in DC $free because Bill paid
Amish souveniers $12
Spending so much quality time with your family that you want to tear their hair out and laugh about it... priceless
I had fun, I saw a lot, did a lot, and I'm sooooooooooo glad that I am home. I week is much much much to long to be stuck in a confined space with Sarah and Fish.
Until I post details... adeu
5 years ago
Oh is THAT where you guys were! I thought you had died. Oh well, DC is good too...so I guess that means you're alive then huh...*begins to put back stuff he had "inherited" after your "deaths"*
Welcome back, to Utarh, the land of TEH STUPID!
Piffle! Like I would leave anything to you if I died! Really, you are just a looter!
Un...I resent that. Marie Mom and Bill were just as annoying...I was nice to you! That's it, we're no longer three cornered hat pals.
I think it's very possible that Sarah is more annoying than Mom, Marie, and Bill PUT TOGETHER AND MULTIPLIED BY ELEVENTY BILLION!!!
So, resent it all you want, it's still true...FREAK!!
I think it's very possible...wait no, absolutely true, that I don't care what Justin thinks. So...at peace am I.
I'm annoying.
Yeah, Marie's by far the MOST annoying...with her...her mild-mannered quiet-type-ness...and her...her non-freakish-ness...makes Sarah seem like an even bigger FREAK!!
Oh, and I'm the post king.
Okay...I have to ask, Justin, have you met Marie? Mild mannered, WRONG, quiet? WRONG! Non-freak? Absolutely WRONG! I should know, I realized her freakishness not 4 years ago. And I'm not sure why you're proud of having so much time on your hands that you can post incessantly. Oh and Bec...still resenting this post.
Is Justin trying to masquerade under a psyeudo name? Or is Teh Suck actually a different person who thinks that Sarah is a freak?
Maybe I do, and maybe I DO.
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