Well, I got sick this weekend. Shocker, I know!
Sunday night, I was feeling nauseated and I was having body aches, but that was not too uncommon in my pregnancy thus far, so I thought it was regular. But, then I was up all night without sleep and visiting the bathroom a lottle. It was the opposite of fun and I knew that I had to be sick because I'm in week 11, I'm suppose to start feeling better around this point. I felt bad because I kept Matt up all night because I was up all night, so neither of us got any sleep. We both stayed home from work on Monday. I went to the doctor and, sure enough, I got the stomach flu. I have the worst luck.
It is absolutely miserable to be sick and pregnant. My mom had pneumonia during one of her pregnancies, I'm not really sure how she got through that. But, I was extra complainy and extra needy as I was very sick for about two days. Matt, being the wonderful husband that he is, just did everything that he could to make me comfortable.
I'm feeling better now, eating and everything. I'm hoping that my immune system realizes that it needs to work a little better for the next 6.5 months. I don't want to get sick again whilst I am pregnant. But, knowing me, that just is too much to hope for. Alas.
5 years ago
I totally feel your pain. I don't have the pregnant factor, but I feel like I get sick all the time. Like today. Stupid stinky immune systems!
Yuck! I hope you feel better soon!
Sick + preggers = not so much fun. I'm sorry you've been sick! I hope you start feeling better soon. When I stopped having morning sickness, I had 2 or 3 days of really bad throw-ups, but then it just completely stopped and only came back one time at the beginning of my third trimester. You'll get through it, and it'll get fun really soon! :)
I'm hoping that I will wake up one day and not feel nauseated and it will be like magic.
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