Well, this may be a TMI post, but I'm excited, so I'm sharing. I went to the doctor's yesterday and I'm 80% effaced and dialated to a 1. Which, really doesn't mean much, or so I am told, but I like to think that it means that I am in the home stretch.
Mom and Jill have revised their guesses and have said that they think that I am going to have the baby next week. I'd like her to hold on until my maternity leave starts. We shall see. Feel free to get your baby guesses in now with this new information.
5 years ago
I'm gonna stay with the 20th. It just feels right.
I was dilated to a 1 for two weeks and to a 2 for another week, so I'd hold off on planning for an early arrival. ;)
I don't remember your exact due date, but I'm going to guess little Nicole will be blessing us with her presence on the 28th.
My due date is March 30th.
I have been 80% effaced and dialeted to a 3 for 3 weeks on one of my kids. sorry
Well I was 3cm and 80% for almost 2 months with my first. Even if it doesn't mean much it's still nice to know something is happening down there. And every cm is one less you have to do in labor.
It's so exciting to know that something is happening! My guess is the 22nd. It's interesting how everybody (and every body) is so different, yet the babies all come eventually. Enjoy the last stretch. She'll be here before you know it!
I don't really have a clue if that means early or not, but because earlier the better, I'm going to predict that you have her next week.
I'm not changing my vote for April 1st because that is a cool day to have a baby...and I'll be home from Seattle so I don't want you to have her until then!
Also, I have one baby left on your little chart now, hooray!!!!!!!!!
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