We finally put up our crib! Norm and Rand gave us their crib a few weeks ago and we finally put it together this weekend. By "we" I mean that Matt did all the work and put it together.

We put the crib up in our room because Nicole is still really little and I couldn't handle her being in a different room during the night. We took down her little playpen/bassinet and we are putting it at my Mom's house so that Nicole has somewhere to take her naps while my Mom watches Nicole. I go back to work in just a week.

Coley Oley seems to really like her crib. The mattress is a lot softer than the bassinet, which felt like a cardboard box. She actually likes to rest and play by herself in the crib, which she didn't do in the bassinett.

Plus, now I can get a battery powered mobile. Nicole loves mobiles and she had one for her bassinet, but it was a wind up. So, I would have to go back to her every two minutes to wind it again. Now that she has a crib, I can get a real mobile that lasts longer than two minutes.
It is a really nice crib. It is the color that I would choose and it has a drawer at the bottom of it to store blankets and sheets. I love it! I'm glad that Nicole loves it too. Hopefully, this will help with her sleeping for long periods issues.

I've been dressing Nicole in yellow and green lately. She looks really cute in those colors! It makes her eyes look like they will go green, not brown. We will see.
I love your crib!!! I wanted to get a darker-colored-wood crib, but we were given one as well, so we kind of had to "take what we were given", ya know? I still like the crib, but I would have chosen something different if I could have.
Anywho, I think she looks way cute in yellow, too. :)
Yay, Coley is the cutest baby in the world. Until I have babies that is...but for now she holds the title!
Why does everyone always want to say they have green in their eyes? "My eyes are brown...with some green." "My eyes are blue...but sometimes green." Either your eyes are brown, blue, or green. Green is not special.
The name of the blog MUST be changed to "Nicole's Blog of Pictures".
Also, I must agree with Marie. It does seem like everyone wants green eyes. I like green, personally, but there seems to be some kind of green-eyed fad going around. Jealous?
I hope the crib comes with magical sleeping powers. I can't believe how big she is already!
Whatever Mike! You know you love to see pictures of Nicole. I'm just doing what people want. Everyone wants pictures of Nicole.
Holy crap, she's cute!
What's wrong with green eyes? Having a little green gives them an air of mystery and intrique. It is the most rare color of eyes in the world. Don't knock them. Listen to your green-eyed mother.
PS Nicole's Blog of Pictures = Becky and Matt's blog
That last comment was really from me...MOM.
There now I've changed it back to me.
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