So I have been negligent in my blog duties. I watched all my friends post about their memorial day and I did not do so because I'm lame. I didn't even take pictures of my holiday adventures. I remembered to bring my camera with me, I just forgot the part where I am suppose to take pics. Oops.
I spent the holiday with my family up at my parent's house. It was pretty low key. We did a BBQ and just hung out and talked. It was probably the first time that I didn't feel the need to play games when at my family's house. Weird, I must be growing up.
Tuesday and Wednesday I watched my next door neighbor's kid. She is out of school and her parent's work, so I watched her for a couple days. I thought that it would be a more permanent arrangement, but then I remembered that Nicole and I are already signed up for a swimming class for the next two weeks. Maybe I will watch her again when our swimming classes are over. She is a sweet little 6 year old girl and fairly easy to watch. I just have trouble finding ways to entertain her.
I will prefaced Thursday with this little gem of information. Matt went to get his car registered and it failed emissions. It is a 2006 Saturn. Ugh. It had a computer problem which sucks because it is a relatively new car. We have an extended warranty on the car, but for some reason this particular computer problem was not covered by the warranty. I blame Saturn because they went under and there are no dealerships to even take the car too, so we had to take it to a place that actually works on Saturns and supposedly "honors" the warranties. $500 later, we have our car back, but we were without it for a day because the place lacked the parts necessary to fix it. Thus endeth the preface.
Thursday I drove Matt to my parent's house so that he could carpool with my Dad up to work. I spent the day with my mom at the house. It was nice to spend time with my Mom and to just relax and not do much at all.
Today Nicole woke up at 5:30am. I think she is a crazy little one. I have to play catch up today and clean my house and run a ton of errands that I haven't been able to do because I have had a very full week. It should be super fun!
Oh, and did I mention that our kitchen aid broke while Matt was making bread on Sunday? Matt, being Matt, took it apart and found the problem and we are going to replace the broken part. It is the only plastic part in the whole thing and it apparently breaks for a lot of people. Why do they make the part out of plastic at all I wonder? I think they are setting it up to break. That is just one more thing that we have to pay to fix at a time when paying for things is getting more and more difficult. At least I have a handy husband who can fix things with his bare hands. (side note, our dishwasher also broke a few weeks ago and I went without for a while before Matt took it all apart and fixed it himself.)
I'm hoping that my weekend is a little better than my week.
5 years ago
Sorry baby :( Sounds like the anti fun. On the bright side I think you're really pretty and love you mucho mucho.
I hate went things break, especially when money is already scarce! Good luck with things! Sorry. :(
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