One of the most annoying things about my new job is the hurry up to slow down effect. There is a major rush to get things done and deliver them to development, then there is a big lull with nothing to do until I get my edits back from development. Then, I have to hurry to get the changes back to them... then I slow down again and wait. I forgot that this was a thing with tech writing.
Someone is always waiting on someone else in order to complete their work. Development can't make the build without my work, I can't do my work without their edits... it is all very yo-yo, as in I feel as if I'm being pulled up and down to complete my work. But, on the bright side, the work is not too difficult, just time consuming.
I miss my Nicole. It was so much easier just being with her all day. No deadlines, just mealtimes. No pressure, just playing and having fun. Plus, the naps were a glorious time. Apparently, companies frown upon their employees taking naps during the day, lame! Though being a mom can be stressful at times with the lots of whining, I prefer that to deadlines stressful. I miss her!
5 years ago
At least you get paid for the deadlines. Babies don't pay.
They do too! They pay you with lots of love, hugs, smiles, kisses and including you in the wonder, discovery and joy of childhood. Money can't compare.
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