It has been a year of blogging and I feel very accomplished. I didnt' keep it as updated as I would have liked or as Natalie would have liked as she constantly rebuked me for not blogging enough, but I blogged. I, Becky Derington, am out in the internet. I have made my mark. Granted, only like 8 people have seen the mark, but still I feel accomplished.
In celebration of this momentous anniversary I've decided to highlight special moments of the blog, enjoy!
Goddess said...
Gee, I don't know, my only plans so far consisted of being felt up at a corn maze, and well, that's done.
Marie said...
BringYourOwnBoyYou can't have mine.Anthon's taken.Stop trying Becky.
Nat said...
What!! I love dashboard Antonio! I like him to dance for me....*sigh
Becky said...
I'm sorry, goddess, EK and Justin have all been doomified. It is just to bad for them.
Marie said...
I'll be the one who looks like me.
Blah blah blah You're a dirty Whore
So, my blog has been out of commision and this is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is a test and only a test.Do no be afraid, turn off your computer screen or change your name for your own protection.Please refrain from eating your own hair.Those in Utah and Davis counties need to beware because bees will shortly attack your dogs.That is all.
It goes on my list of reasons why I hate BYU. Slowly killing students, one stair at a time.
Nat said...
KILL BYU! KILL BYU!!! I mean.....yay BYU!
Goddess said...
Marie, you are cool for having a house and for letting us use it.Becky, you are cool because you are one of the bestest people I have ever met in my life. I love you better than cow cheese and Nutella.
Sarah said...
I hope the above person gets shot while driving a car, and because they are shot, and still not dead they run into a large pole, bashing their head against the winshield and causing major brain damage. But they are still alive at this point and the pole falls over onto the car, crushing every bone in their body. Still not dead when the car explodes in a fiery inferno. Still not dead at this point but hurting majorly as the person who first shot them realizes that they have not finished the job and takes their time in reloading and shooting them down. That is what the above person deserves for desecrating Bec's blog with this dumb crap.
Marie said...
Rachel's a robot.
Becky said...
No because taunting me with cookies is evil.
Justin said...
I will be the nasty neighborhood grumpy old man who is always trying to run over Marie's cats. In fact, I'll start right now. BABY!!!!*vrrooooomm!!** MUA HAA HAA!!In all actuality, I will probably die when I am 28 because they decide that rather than make cars and shoes in my size it is easier and cheaper to just shoot me cuz hey, bullets are cheap.
Sarah said...
Mwahahahaha *Rubs hands together in delight* this is just my game considering I have known her the very longest and probably spent more time with her than anyone that isn't named Marie.*Blast**You act like nobody knows*"that's what you get for showering""you're fired""katzaa""you're outta the family""hey everybody, look at my dance!""well i woulda if you hadn't a snagged it""don't call me a freak ya fag!""get your 12s in""and ya plant it""look at the yellow bears!""your mom (insert previos statement)""your mom's right outside that window""What if the kitties were right outside that window going ka-tssssss""ka-tssssss *finger motion*""whosa wittle baby""whosa my baby"
Rachel said...
That is really cool. How did you do that..cuz I want to do that too. I want a evil manifest version of myself!
Justin said...
I adopted Evil Manifest Rachel. *pets the Evil Manifest Rachel* Want a cookie? Hmm? Who wants a cookie little manifested evil Rachel??....wait a second, this isn't Evil Manifested Rachel, it's my backpack. Crap! Cookie crumbs in my genetics textbook! And there's chocolate all over my polymerase chain reaction electrophoresis gel!! GRR!! ARRGH!!***********Hey kids, today's show talked about the dangers of cookies. Remember, use cookies responsibly and under adult supervision. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle! GO JOE!!!
Justin said...
Ok, so the Toby sight is back up, but the guy hasn't made a cent since March I don't think. And now, I'm officially changing camps. I want Toby to die. And if people pay me $7,000 by June 29, 2005 (that's right, we can get the drop on the people trying to save him) then I will go and kill Toby on June 29th, and rob the other guy of the glory of the kill. Heck, maybe I'll kill that guy too and take the $28,000 he's managed to steal, and then I'll kill any cats I see on the way to and from killing Toby. I guess I would have to choose a different name then, something more like www.killeverythingneartobyandthenkilltoby.comor something. Yep, it's a Justin's Killing Rampage, and it's all yours for just $7,000. That's so cheap? Come on, I'm practically giving this rampage away! I'm like Discount Rampage Wearhouse over here!
Can Someone hit me with a Car Please?
Is there such a thing as ridiculously tired? It seems that that is what I am, ridiculously tired. I sleep at night at least a good 6 1/2 to 7 hours and then on weekends I get even more sleep because I sleep in to unspeakable hours and yet I am still exhausted. I don't think there is ever a way to catch up on sleep. I will forever be tired forever. I'm just waiting for that day when I wake up and there is no grogginess or impending doom of the day to come, but rather a light and elated feeling. But alas that that has not occured as of recent. I feel that someone should be blamed for this and it is the sandman. Either he is using too much sand on me or not enough and he should really be beaten into submission like that one time on Power Puff Girls. But there are no more Power Puff Girls because Sarah dyed her hair purple and Bubbles is lost to us. I hope you are happy Sarah!Well maybe what we really should do is have an audition for new superheros to save me from the sandman. So take a number, get in line and strut your superheroey stuff.
Becky said...
That is exactly what I mean. So get out your pen and paper and take these down. *cracks whip*
12:11 PM
Nat said...
OUch! *cries silently*
12:37 PM
Erika said...
Wow Im glad I dont have music you want....
Rachel said...
I met Joss Whedon too! He came over to my apartment when you guys weren't looking.
Joss Whedon and Summer Glau walked into our theater! Joss freaking Whedon, the writer/director of our movie was in the theater with us. Shocked! All I could do was stand there with my mouth wide open while pointing frantically and trying to clap. I'm sure it was an amusing picture
Becky said...
YOUR MOM DRAWS THE BEST! Oh wait, was that an actual compliment? Your Mom withdrawn.
I have come to the conclusion that Tall Minds means so much more than I could have ever fathomed at the creation of this blog. Not only does Tall Minds act as an aspiration for all to learn and expand their minds, and intellect, but it also signifies that those who blog here are marginally smarter than those who do not blog here.
Becky said...
You have all failed me with your talks of "love" now we must burn you all in sacrifice to the heathen St. Valentine Gods. I hope you are happy!
Marie said...
Rainbows are gay.
Becky said...
Seth Green is always going to be one hot leprachaun!
Spiro said...
The ones I usually hear the most are as follows, in no particular order.- The Stalker- "Please let me go, I won't tell anyone about your cabin in the woods."I think I shouldn't post anymore.
Anonymous said...
Once upon a time there was flower. Her name was Sally and she was envied by all the other flowers in...... the place where all the other flowers were. Sally was beautiful and she had the sweet aroma of angels that had just taken a shower with some sort of soap that smelled really good. Everyday people would stop and admire Sally in all of her glory and sometimes those people would die. Not because of the flower, but just because people die sometimes of natural causes or car accidents.I can't help but to be reminded of Sally's story when I look at this maternity dress and I think to myself....someday Rachel....someday.
Nat said...
I think to have a moment like this you needa) a flowy dressb) a small section of grapesc) A fand) some sort of cheesy music like "A theme from a summer place"
Anonymous said...
In my many many years on this big, endless, spinning sphere we call earth, i've found that the only thing that we as a human beings can truly hold out any hope for is tagless shirts. I mean sometimes this life is cruel and unforgiving and you're left with no one and nothing to count on....until now. Thanks to Haynes I now have something to live for. Something to smile about again. That soft, tagless, cottony goodness has done wonders for my soul. I can't tell you how many days I sat alone in the dark in my basement, desperatley wishing to leave the house, but unable to..daunted by the task of having that disgusting tag ravage the back of my neck. So there I sat...used, violated and I needed a losenge. So, Becky I guess what I'm trying to say is...keep your chin up, things always get better and buy tagless shirts.
Nat said...
Can I just say...Fishes! Fishes were all over the road! Help me Becky, Help!
Nat said...
I like scorn!
Becky said... Amen Sista! (Literally.)
5 years ago
Good times, Good times. I like the me stuff.....
Oh, and everyone else is funny too, But mostly me. You know, cause I rock and stuff.
HAPPY ONE YEAR BECKY'S BLOG! (wait! that means mine is like a year old too!! More presents to buy!!*Sigh* and blogs are SO hard to buy for!)
You posted this twice...I just thought I would tell you such. I think anonymous is the funniest, and that apparently I'm not funny at all. And that other people can be funny I spose. Mostly I just like this blog, because it gives me something to look at during the boring and endless hours that comprise my computer tech class. Here's to you bloggy *tear, raises glass and downs the stricknine* are very strange, and should possibly be killed. I would go into a long "how you should be killed" monologue, but I feel that would be wasted time on you, as you possibly might not understand considering you commented twice on a blog that has absolutely nothing to do with you...yeah the confusion has a 90% percent likelihood...go away.
LOL! Sarah your awesome!
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