I had to post this before Justin posted it on his blog because I want to be the ultimate Spiderman fan, ME!
Spiderman Three.
He's back, he's black, I'm excited.
Click on the title to see the trailer and then for all you geeky comic book fans, tell me what you think of what they are doing.
5 years ago
Thomas Haden Church as the Sandman, Harry Osborne is now Hobgoblin, though to what end I do not know. The Venom Symbiote is there, probably this time as some sort of lab-creation instead of an outer-space alien like in the comics. That's why Spidey is black. Peter Parker is going to ditch the black stuff in a Church Tower (as seen in trailer) where Eddie Brock, played by Topher Grace, will be there about to commit suicide because Spider-Man has ruined his career (probably something dealing with the Sandman). The Symbiote finds Brock and together with their hatred for Spider-Man they will become Venom.
Looks frikkin awesome. I'm there.
Oh, and my blog is retarded, so I couldn't post it there.
Oh, and to continue...
"Spins a web, any size!
Catches thieves just like flies.
Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!
Is he strong? Listen bud,
He's got radioactive blood.."
Ok, time to stop.
Applause for your song knowing abilities. *Shoots Justin*
Nobody shows me up!
*Speaks from beyond the grave*
Even though I have been shot, I am still a greater fan than you! :P
Stay dead when I kill you dangit! *Shoots Justin again*
*no comment, as he is dead, but feel free to pronounce that as "Dot Dot Dot", and then find the chicken whose bone this is and ask him if he is asking for a challenge*
Stop the violence! In the name of Teddy Rosavelt make it stop! Oh the carnage! Oh the Humanity! *ahem* So yeah it looks pretty darn awesome, even with the Emo dark haired Peter Parker. Should be an awesome show and a must see in 2007!
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