Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Ultimate Showdown

I thought that this was funny. Maybe you won't, but I'm willing to take that risk.



Becky said...

Click on the title to access the link

Drew said...

Brilliant...but bloody.

Becky said...

So, one vote in the "liked" colunm. Good, good, I'm spreading The Ultimate Showdown, one blogger at a time.

Thirdmango said...

Heh, it's a goodun, I did see it about 6 months ago, but it is still grand. I feel cool thinking I know stuff before others! Bwa Ha Ha.

Justin said...

Yeah, I had also seen that before. It's pretty funny (When I first saw it I honestly wondered if it wasn't a Gashler Creation...but no, he would've done a better job). I have only one wish on the vocal track--that it be redone to not sound like a few high schoolers using a cheap computer mic they bought from wal-mart.

Good times though.