Wednesday, July 12, 2006

That's what it's all about

What do you get when you have 8 days, 30 lessons, 4 papers, 30 quizzes, four midterms and three finals?
I get one crazy, sleep deprived Becky.
Back to work.


Justin said...

I feel your pain somewhat, for I am the incredibly sick Justin who gets more behind in school every day that I stay home coughing my lungs out through my nose.

However, I am also a Science Guy, and can offer help to you...once I have put my lungs back inside.


Drew said...

Holy Cow Curls! Your life has become so busy and hectic and stuff of that nature. How will you survive? I know, i will give you a call. Tell me when a good time is...

Sarah said...

What a pretty Baby..gettin' all schooled to death. Sorry Babes, oh but Johnny sent me a funny email so you should remind me to let you read it. Anywho, I love you Baby, live through this and stuff.

Becky said...

Poor no-lunged Justin. It is just to bad for you. Maybe worse for you than it is for me. I think that we should put my school work against your sickness in a street fight and see who wins!
Yes, I lead a busy life. It is the bane of my existence. But, a call from Drew would definitely brighten my day.
And Baby, why don't you forward me the Johnny email.

Becky said...

It is times like this I want to ask, "Lisa, you might know this, you know weird stuff. What is the boiling point of brain?"

Sarah said...

Okay, so I googled the boiling point of a brain, and alas it merely came up with a bunch of references to a book called Boiling Point. I figure it's probably 212 degree Farenheit, 100 degrees sea level standards. So um...I would just be careful of rooms at those temperatures and you should be just fine.

Goddess said...

Oddly enough, it's actually more around 182 degrees Celsius. You should be fine Bex, as long as you never meet that guy from Charmed.

Justin said...

Or ANYONE from Charmed.

And brain-boiling can have a few different stages or degrees of severity. For example, your brain can "boil" at room temperature if you hold your breath too long and neurons start popping. At the other end of the extreme is where it gets so hot that the intermolecular forces between the phospholipids in the cellular membranes of your nerve cells begin to dissociate, but at that point it would happen to pretty much all the tissue in your body and you'd die pretty quick in a fashion not unlike the late Senator Kelly in the first X-Men movie.

But I digress...don't meet anyone from Charmed.

Sarah said...

Justin speaks wisdom beyond his years, Charmed is retarded. All that other stuff...I think he's just guessing.

Justin said...

Hmm...well, it's nice to know that my brain is on par with the great idiots of the world in at least one thing then. :) Oh wait, I mean geniuses...I mean...err...umm....linebackers.

And don't listen to Lecter, he's a quack.

Becky said...

My brain exploded in the time it took to figure out what the boiling point of brain is.