I'm finally a full-time employee at Makau!
It only took me finding another job at a different company and telling them that I was leaving unless they made me full time for Makau to finally get in gear! I was beginning to think that college was completely pointless because I was fruitless in my employment search for anything above 10 bucks an hour. And a college graduate working for ten dollars an hour just seems wrong, especially since I have been getting paid more than that for a while now.
But, it is good to know that college is not a complete waste of time, and it is possible to find a full-time, semi well paying job post college. I know that I will never make as much as my ever ambitious and oh so smart brother Mike, but not everyone can be as much of a geek as he is. They can try, but they just won't always succeed to master his level of geekiness.
So, I am almost fully a full-time employee of Makau. Yay! Much celebration. Here's hoping that Makau doesn't biff and drive itself straight into bankruptcy.
I like my job. I like editing and writing technical documents because I'm good at it. Plus, I get to work with the wonderful Moses brothers everyday and it doesn't get much better than that. And, my pirating connection is at Makau. Pirating as in "Arrr ye mateys" not that other thing that I would never participate in. (Side note: talk like a pirate day is this month on either the 18th or the 19th, I forget which. Just talk like a pirate both days to make sure)
*Raises glass of water* Well, here is to you, you other full-time employeed friends! May you find joy in your occupations.
5 years ago
Yearrgghhh....I have 18 credits and 2 jobs....College sucks.
Congrats Becky, and may you grow ever taller whilst working full-time for Makau.
Oh, and may you also help me with my English 316 papers.
What about me????!!!!
You didn't say anything about working with me! And I'm the one who told you to finagle Makau into making you full-time!
See if I ever help you again.
So...I don't see what this has to do with me...
*Does a teen-girl-squad impression of Becky, Marie, and Sarah's voices*
Becky: Marie helped me figure out how to do this, hooray!!
(Becky hands credit to Marie when a large crocodile chomps down on it)
Marie: Oww! My recognition!!
Sarah: Holla girlfriends! Who wants to look at me?
(a giant eyeball devours Sarah)
Eyeball: RETINA'D!!!! *chomp chomp*
Sarah *as she is devoured*: Oww!! My crush on every boy hurts!!
(Becky looks at the two other bodies.)
Becky: Well, at least now I don't have any competition while I get looking all makey-outey for that herd of Thompson's Gazelles!
Gazelles: STAMEPED'D!!!
Becky: My juggling-geese!!
That was very creative Justin. I liked the part where I was the last to be annihilated. Oh, and I will of course help with any and all 316 papers. But, I don't guarentee that it will be an actual help.
I thought you couldn't come over Christmas? That is rockum sockum that you can come! Bring me back something pretty!
That seems like a good enough thing to bring.
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