Seeing as how SOME people think that my blog is free advertisement space, I felt it was necessary to ASK FOR A CHALLLENGE!
I Challenge all active bloggers who view my blog to a BLOG OFF!
"What is a Blog Off?" you ask. Well, it is a cook off, only with blogs, not cooks, or food rather. Each blogging participant will create one post and post it here and others, the "judges" if you will, will comment on said posts, and the blogger with the most comments, not including their own comments, will win!
"How will said bloggers post here Becky?" I'm glad I asked. All who want to participate will make it known here and I will add them to those who are allowed to post on my blog, thereby allowing them to post here.
"What if no one steps up to the challenge?" Well, if no one wants to participate in the Blog off, then that just means that it will be so much easier for me to win because I will be the only one posting. You COWARDS!
"What are the rules of the posting?" The rules are: No plagerism, it must be your own writing! No, videos because I don't know how to post videos and so no one should be able to do it. There is no word limit, write to your heart's content. And, finally, no bribery. I won't have people bringing in outsiders to comment on their post because they were paid in goods and or services. But, threats are allowed; bloggers may threaten others if they don't comment on their post.
"Becky, what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" Well there are multiple reasons:
1. Because some people felt the need to advertise their blog on my blog.
2. Other people claim that the only reason that I have so many comments on my blog is because Justin is funnier than I am (a blasphemy!).
3. Because sometimes I have nothing good to say, so I have to make up junk like this just to keep things interesting. If only my real, non blogging life were interesting.
So, if you would like to enter the blog off, please indicate, and if you wouldn't, please mock me now.
5 years ago