When things didn't work out with Matt's old job during the summer, we were crushed. We didn't know what to do. We didn't know how we were going to pay our mortgage, and we didn't know what we were going to do next. So, we prayed about what to do and where we should go with our lives.
Matt and I came to the decision that he should go back to school, be a full-time Daddy, and that I would work. We felt like this was the right decision for us. We also were trying to get pregnant as we had decided many months previously that we wanted another child. We moved forward with these plans, though they were not the ideal situation.
I love being a stay at home Mommy. I love spending time with my child and I thought (after my last pregnancy) that I would never again have to work while suffering through pregnancy. Sometimes the things that we think are the right thing for us, are not always the right thing.
In many ways, Matt and I have realized (already) that the things that happened to us this summer and the decisions that we made after that were all to teach us something and to bless our lives. Even though the decision to go back to work (and school for Matt) was not an easy one and even though we loved our roles before the switch, we have discovered that everything has a purpose.
Because Matt has been home with Nicole, he was also able to spend more time with his Dad and help out his Mom these last few months. This was a great blessing that he had the flexibility to do this. Matt is really loving his classes and his new major. The ability to decide on a major (after many years of not knowing what he wanted to do if he went back to school) was easy and has turned out to be a good decision as it is something he really enjoys.
My new job has not only been something that I enjoy, but it pays for all of our needs, is closer to home than Matt's previous job, and my hours are flexible so that we can switch off taking care of Nicole so that Matt can attend classes. This is also a better situation than we could have expected.
We found out that I was pregnant a few days after I accepted my new job and I thought that working while pregnant at a brand new job would be difficult, but it has turned out really well. I'm not nearly as sick with this pregnancy as I was with my last one and I can function at work normally without a lot of pain and discomfort. I am very grateful that this pregnancy is easy. Additionally, my work has agreed to hold my job for me and let me work from home when the baby comes (something they are not legally required to do). Originally, we did not know what we would do when the baby came, but just a couple weeks ago, I worked out an agreement with my employer.
We also recently found out that we will be getting money in the coming year that we did not expect to get. This money will help us pay off our car, and all of our credit card debt while still having some left over to put aside for when the baby is born. This is really what floors me. We really didn't think we would be able to get out of debt next year with a baby coming and all. In fact, with me leaving work for 6 weeks when the baby comes, we weren't sure how we would meet all of our bills. Then, this week, we got the news that we would be getting this money next year and it was truly an answer to our prayers.
This is just a testament to Matt and I that Heavenly Father loves us. That even though we are faced with trials and heartache, we will still be taken care of if we follow the guidance of the spirit. It has definitely not been an easy year as we were faced with no income, a new baby, and a death in the family, but after all the trials we are really very happy. Every trial we face is there to challenge us to be better, to be more faithful, and to find a greater happiness.
Matt and I can only conclude that the decisions that we made this year (school, work, and baby) have all been a part of Heavenly Father's plan for us and I am so grateful that we have made good choices (thus far). Next year will be full of new adventures, I am sure, but I go forward with faith that things will turn out and that we will be happy.
See Our Journey This Year
Happy News: Happy and Sick, It's a Boy
New Challenges: Starting Over, New Job
Summer Distress: Difficult to Say, Allergies, On the Hunt
Times of Bliss: Vegas Vacation, She's One, Birthday 26
5 years ago
When you handle trials well, you are blessed. You guys have handled everything very well.
I love seeing my children depend on the Lord for guidance in their lives. He knows and sees the big picture so you can't go wrong if you depend on Him.
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