Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Babies, No Babies!

So, I've been hearing a lot about babies recently. There are babies in my family; there are babies that will soon be in my family; my friends are having babies; my friends are trying to have babies, and babies pretty much want to take over the world. I am torn in my ideas about babies.

Being Pregnant: The idea of being pregnant is both fascinating and frightening. It is fascinating because I think that it would be cool to have another person growing inside me and feel it grow into a little person. I also like the idea that it would be mine and I would have made another little person. The idea of a person growing from a little egg into a person totally trips me out in a cool way. But, the idea of being pregnant is also scary/revolting to me. Pregnancy makes you into a crazy person! You get sick and hormonal and fat. These things are just not a good combo. And, I hear that Pregnancy leads to birth.

Birthing: Yuck and ouch, no good can come from this.

Babies: The idea of babies is good if you have a very positive attitude. If my babies could be perfect, that would be great. A perfect baby would always be clean, would only need a diaper change twice a day, would never cry, would love to cuddle, would not bite, would sleep through the night, and would have lots of hair on it's head so that it would be cute. Unfortunately, I can't be guaranteed such a baby. But, such a baby is very appealing to me. I think that babies are purposely made really cute so that we don't hate them. But, the idea of having a little person, who is mine, to love sounds really nice. Plus, babies turn into kids and kids are even worse than babies!

Kids: Kids are a consequential result of babies. I think that we should make some sort of hybrid human that are always cute babies. Like those miniature dogs and cats. Only, the hybrid baby would be able to feed itself and be independent and stuff. Kids always seem to be sticky. Their faces always have some sort of food or glue stuck to it and they are always dirty. I often don't want to touch children because I don't know where they have been and they have foriegn substances on their face. Kids are so completely co-dependent and they are need you for stuff. Plus, they are really expensive. Kids also take up a lot of valuable time. That is time that I could be spending with Matt, who I like better than kids. Oh yeah, kids are loud! I don't know why they feel the need to scream all the time, but scream they do. I find it very annoying. I find it even more annoying when parents think it is completely okay to let their children run around wild while screaming. Kids do have their good sides, in that, they are sometimes cute and sometimes sweet. Plus, if you get smart or talented kids, you can be all proud of them. I'm just not sold on the benefits of the kid.

Once you have kids, you can't give them back like I did that puppy that got annoying. I hear that you have to keep kids forever! That is quite the commitment. Sometimes, when I'm thinking that I want children, I just remember that my life will no longer be mine once I have children. Any aspirations that I have for Matt or myself will most likely be put on hold if children are in existence. I do want children, and I do get a little jealous when I see other pregnant women, but I'm thinking that kids are just not the right thing right now.


Sarah said...

Hmmm...quite the conundrum. I'm thinking you aren't ready. Give it a year I say, enjoy the Matt Face, then try out kids. Plus you guys have all them bills, bills are hard to pay when there's a baby demanding all your time. I nominate Marie to get preganant first...even though she doesn't wanna. If all else fails, I can always take one for the team. Oh, and Baby, if you were crazy and pregnantly hormonal with mood swings, I would totally put up with your crazy.

Marie said...

I agree with the "no babies right now" thing. And I'm cool having a baby first, just as long as I don't have to fulfill that request for at least another year. I've already got 3 part-time kids and that'll do for now. (And yes, they are sticky and gross sometimes. That's when I tell Anthon to take care of them.)

Jenni Elyse said...

Plus, once you have kids, no one wants to hang out with you because you have "other" responsibilities. And, because you can't find/afford a babysitter, you can't go see movies/go to parties/get invited to hang out with friends anymore. Why do you think I've stood by this not having kids for almost 10 years?! It's totally the way to be.

Mc said...

I've said it before and I thus repeat myself:

"I HATE BABIES! I want to kick'm!"

Becky said...

You guys are right, babies are not the way to go. I don't think that I will go so far as to take Mike's stance on babies, but no babies is best. I'm thinking that Marie and I should get pregnant at the same time so that we can be all fat and crazy together. Except that I doubt that Marie could ever be fat. She will probably be one of those women that you can't tell they are pregnant until right before they pop. I think that mayb Mike will have to take one for the team and get pregnant first.

Sarah said...

I will support this Marie/Becky preganancy bonding if and only if in like 8 years when I get preggo ya'lls will do it again with me. I demand it! Do we have an accord? Oh...and Mike can get preganant with us too if he so wishes.

Mc said...

I will NOT get pregnant...ever.

Becky said...

I don't want to still be having kids in 8 years! You are going to have to move up that date a little. And, Mike, you may get pregnant, you don't know!

Sarah said...

I'll move my pregnancy date wherever I want to! I want some new material...entertain me!

Jasmine said...

Well, alls I've gotsta say is if you're going to keep up with Rachel, you'd better get started soon. ;)

Becky said...

Psht! Rachel will have to lead the pack in the babies department. I figure that I will be ready for babies at about the same time that Rachel is working on her second kid.

Rebecca Susan said...

Babies are scary until you have them. . .then they are addicting. This is a danger that too few women are warned about. Once you have one, every time you hold a baby, you will want another one. Then you hit 7 months pregnant and remember that having a baby means giving birth and then that baby will eventually turn into a kid and you panic. But what can you do? You are 7 months pregnant. Then suddenly "the baby" is 10 months old and you hold someone's newborn and the whole vicious cycle starts over again. Consider yourself warned.