Sometimes the world is moving so fast that you can feel the whirr of time passing you by. Days become weeks and weeks, months, and months years. Usually time feels like this to me, a whirr. But recently it has been more of a snail pace. Where I can feel every second, every minute, hour and day going by, and it seems to take an eternity. It seems that the more that you look at a clock and watch time, the slower it goes.
There are those moments that you want to last forever, you want every second to last a long time because then you are more likely to remember it forever. But the more you want to remember every second, the more it seems to seep through your fingers like sand in a seive and no matter how much you grasp at the sand, it will seep through the cracks.
But then there are the other moments that no matter how hard you want to forget and not see the repeating cycle of images in your mind, you can't be rid of them. They keep appearing and reappearing no matter what you do to try and block them. Why is that? Why is it so difficult to remember what you want and forget what you do not wish to remember.
It puts an entirely different skew on time, because time can really only be gauged by the mind. Granted our bodies feel the passing of time, but it is our mind that retains the daily recollection of time. So time is really only what we want it to be and the slowing or quickening of time is no more than that which our mind tells us it is. Yet we are still unable to manipulate it.
You can't escape from time, it is always there, counting down and commanding the lives of almost everyone. Have to be on time to school, work, there is a certain time when you will be hungry, tired. Time really is what directs our lives. Without it, we would all be lost. I for one cannot go an entire class period without glancing at the clock at least 17 times. Just to countdown the minutes until I am able to leave.
What if we were back in days of yore when time was gauged by the sun? How cool would that be because you could be late to work and blame it cloudy weather or something. How cool would that be?
Is time precious? Is it of value? Do we appreciate the time that we have for each moment? I know that I wish all the time for my time in school to fly by so that I will be able to be finished and done with it. Does this mean that by wishing for time to fly that I am not appreciating the moments that I have here in college? College ideally only occurs once and people who are old talk about it like it was thier glory days, their chance to be free. Does this mean I am abusing my time to be free? Once out of college will my sense of freedom be stripped from me? Because if you ask me, I feel restrained and obligated by classes and work and finances while in college and I have this unrealistic picture of the real world being a skip through the daisies.
Does it ever get easy? Will I ever be able to rest? Or do I work so hard for so long towards a goal only to continue the cycle by working just as hard towards a new goal. Will a final goal ever be achieved in this life? Or is it a continuous struggle? I guess that only time can tell.
4 years ago
Time, such an evil word. If only it could go faster, if only the passing of days were like the passing of seconds, or better yet the passing of years. Time is eternal, neverending, and neverendingly and eternally annoying. Make it pass, make it stop, just make it go away cant you? I guess no one can, possibly God but i doubt he wants to make the world spin faster for me. And the only reason the college years are the glory are because you hear that on movies and those people were carousing, drinking, and having the naughty up the wazoo. thats why it was fun, us mormons experience joy for eternity instead, i feel a much better deal. those are me thoughts, so i must say tot tots!
"We are all in the trenches, flinging hand granades at time."- James Marsters.
I feel that if you try to ignore time, or try to destroy it, make it stop...the faster it will go. Or if you try to make it go faster...the seconds tick by, with you drooling at the clock and thinking to yourself "Will this hour never end?!" You cant make time bend to your will. But if ever you tried, I vote for the granade option...time will never see that coming.
When did James say that? I don't remember James saying that. Or do I?
He says it in a magazine that I have, where he is talking about the end of Buffy. He says that even though he knew it was the end he wanted to stop time to make it last longer. Hence the throwing hand granades qoute.
In my many many years on this big, endless, spinning sphere we call earth, i've found that the only thing that we as a human beings can truly hold out any hope for is tagless shirts. I mean sometimes this life is cruel and unforgiving and you're left with no one and nothing to count on....until now. Thanks to Haynes I now have something to live for. Something to smile about again. That soft, tagless, cottony goodness has done wonders for my soul. I can't tell you how many days I sat alone in the dark in my basement, desperatley wishing to leave the house, but unable to..daunted by the task of having that disgusting tag ravage the back of my neck. So there I sat...used, violated and I needed a losenge. So, Becky I guess what I'm trying to say is...keep your chin up, things always get better and buy tagless shirts.
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