Thursday, June 05, 2008

New Look

I am trying something new with the blog. I've had the same blog template for four years and Marie's new desire to have a blog inspired me to make some changes. I haven't decided if this is what I am doing yet, but it is a try-out. Let me know what you think. It might not be enough like me, I haven't decided.

Oh, yeah, and I forgot to post that Johnny is getting married in July. His fiance Krista is very nice and very much a hugger. We love her!


Adrianne Miller said...

Yay for blog stalking. I've found so many people by looking at someones blog and then the people on their blogs.
I'm actually really bad at blog making so I found a cute blog template online and stole it. Give it a whirl!

Adrianne Miller said...

PS. My link on your page doesn't work. Take out one of the http://'s

Lisa said...

Cool blog Becky!!

Becky said...

Thanks for the tip Adrianne, I'll check out what online templates have to offer.

Jasmine said...

Fun! I like it. Maybe I'll try updating my blog's look too....but after the baby comes because I just don't have the time right now. :)

Deanne said...

Thanks for the e-mail. I'm sure I had your blog address at one point, but it was good to find it again. I enjoyed your tutorial on how to sleep at work. It's great to know that Darin is a true sloth. He can sleep anywhere, including a folding chair!