Wednesday, November 26, 2008

22 Weeks

Well, I'm at 22 weeks now... or the baby is 22 weeks old rather. And, by popular demand, here are a couple pics of me and my baby belly.

Matt has been sick for over a week now. He has the cold that never wants to leave. Two nights ago, Matt sneezed (he has really loud sneezes) and I felt my whole stomach jump. Apparently, the baby heard the sneeze and was startled. Now, every time Matt sneezes or I hear a really loud noise, the baby jumps. She is, apparently, aware of sounds and is frightened by them. While I am ecstatic that the baby can now hear sounds, I am also wary by this new frightened jumping because what if my baby all skitish of sounds when she is born? I want a baby who can sleep through anything so that we won't have to be quiet when the baby is sleeping. Hopefully, this is just a stage and the baby will get more used to hearing noise.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. I still get really tired very quickly, but I am able to leave the house in the evening for a few hours before I am completely drained. I am getting more and more uncomfortable. My back hurts every day and standing only makes it worse. Additionally, my belly is very sore. My belly muscles are becoming completely useless. I often can't sit up without assistance and it hurts to try on my own. My muscles rebel against being used. Additionally, the skin on my belly really hurts as it is stretching out to compensate for the ever expanding baby. It kinda feels like a backwards pinch. It is the same stinging sensation that a pinch offers, only it is a stretching of the skin rather than a pinching. It really smarts!

I didn't realize how trying pregnancy would be. It is a complete body change, so that I don't even feel like my body is mine any more. I don't feel or look like me. Plus, I'm drained of energy all the time and dependent on my eating schedule (if I go off my eating schedule, I get sick to my stomach). I'm like a child myself. I just didn't think that it would be this hard. My sister in laws made pregnancy seem a lot easier. Oh the tangled web of lies!

Despite all the unpleasantries that this pregnancy has come to offer, I love my baby very much. I am so excited for the time when I can finally hold her and see the product of all this work that I'm putting in. This baby better be very cute and very worth it.


Jenni Elyse said...

I'm glad to hear that you finally love your baby. :) Because if you didn't, I was going to take her once she was born. Mwahahahahaha!

Jasmine said...

The way to have a baby that will sleep when it's not quiet is to not be quiet when the baby's sleeping. Don't be one of those moms that puts up "Don't ring the doorbell--baby sleeping" signs. You'll only perpetuate it so that when Baby gets a little older, she won't be able to sleep if there's noise.

Try putting lotion on your belly in the morning and before you go to bed. That will help with the pinching. Also, my doctor told me that I could take Benadryl before I went to bed to help with the itching. You should ask your doctor if that is ok for you.

Adrianne Miller said...

The hardest part for me has been not feeling or looking like myself. I just look FAT and feel FAT and I feel like I am no longer a human. It is very frustrating. Everyone says it is worth it, but I'll believe it when I see it!

Angela said...

Phoebe still jumps all the time when we're loud. But with two other kids being quiet all the time isn't an option. I agree the only way to teach a baby to sleep through noise is to have noise while they sleep. Eventually they get used to it.

Marie said...

I can't believe your baby gets scared already! I didn't know babies in the womb had feelings. She'll probably always jump when Matt sneezes; she'll never get used to that!

Sarah said...

Your baby is funny, she likes okay for now. But I think you should definitely start her on a healthy diet of Muse, it would just make me love her even more is all... Well, either way, I'll get her addicted. I call that I'm the cool aunt!