Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week 20

My Baby is Skeletor!

Well, I am at 20 weeks now and that means that we went in for our official ultrasound to make sure that all the baby's parts are there and to verify the gender. I am glad to say that Norm was right, it is still a girl. Norm checked all of her major organs and they were all there, which is excellent. Unfortunately, she was being a naughty baby and did not want to stay still for the ultrasound. This made it difficult to check her organs and get good pictures of her.

She has a lot less room in there than she did last time we saw her. So, it was difficult to get a picture of all of her from head to foot. Plus, her legs and arms were all bent and stuff.

It was weird because a lot of what we saw of her was her skeleton. We could see all the bones in her arms and legs and her whole spine. It was kinda cool, but weird at the same time.

She snacked on the placenta a little while we were watching her. Which I thought was really gross, but apparently that is just what babies do. Babies are disgusting.

This pic is a shot of the back of her. She was often showing us her back. She moved around a lot the whole time and it made me a little sick because when she wiggles a lot, it makes me nausiated.

I'm feeling pretty good at this stage in the pregnancy. I find myself to be very hungry a not small amount of the time. And, if I don't eat at the scheduled time that I usually eat, I get very nausiated and then not goodness ensues. Weekends are the worst because it is different from my daily schedule and I often forget to eat and then I get all complainy and then it is hard on Matt.
I can feel the baby wiggling a lot! She really likes to wiggle and move around and it kinda drives me crazy because it makes me sick to my stomach. Jill says that this will pass though and I will start to feel some solid kicks and less wiggles. I hope so because I don't like it when she moves. It is reassuring to know that she is healthy and moving, but it is very uncomfortable.
I have some of my energy back now, which is nice. I have actually stayed up until 10pm the last few nights this week. This is a record for me. I am usually all complainy and upset if I'm not in bed and almost asleep by 9pm. Matt is loving that I am able to stay up a little later and not get upset.
Now that we know for sure that the baby is a girl, we can finally go and start buying gender appropriate baby stuff. I know that I will probably get some stuff from baby showers, but babies apparently need all sorts of stuff. Jill sent me a list of baby things that I will most likely need and the list is quite lengthy. Who knew that something so small could need so much.
Well, that is all for now. I will post another belly pic when I finally charge the batteries in my camera. I blame the french for my slacking on that one.


Jenni Elyse said...

Woo hoo for baby Skelly!

Adrianne Miller said...

Your skeletor is really cute but gross that she eats placenta. I hope mine is not eating placenta. We have a doc appointment tomorrow where we get to go check out the heart beat and all of that crazy stuff. I'd really like to know if I am having a boy or a girl so I can start buying stuff.

Unknown said...

My granddaughter is so adorable! She is not gross! She is just doing what babies do in their mommy's tummy. The miracle of life is so amazing! You are making a whole new person. You are sharing with Heavenly Father the ability to create life. There's nothing more beautiful than that.

Sarah said... Mom is being creepy on your blog. It's definitely the French's fault that you don't have pictures. On the bright side you're birthing skeletor and everyone knows that comes with awesome super powers and such.

Becky said...

I know! I was creeped out by Mom's comment too. She makes pregnancy seem the opposite of beautiful. Which, technically, it is because I get all big and puffy and stuff. So, I guess Mom is right. Baby growin' is gross stuff.

Marie said...

I heard that in some cultures you are supposed to eat the placenta after the baby is born. It's good luck.

Jasmine said...

My baby was Skeletor, too! Those pictures are kinda creepy--but fun.

It's mind-boggling how much stuff Baby needs! Don't go buy anything yet, though. Wait till after your shower because chances are you'll get most of what you need at that/those.

Jasmine said...

And Marie's right about eating the placenta--and it's not just other cultures. You can find "recipes" online! How creepy is that?!?!

AnneMarie said...

Placenta eating by the mom = totally gross! Placenta eating by baby = normal. Laura being creepy = not even, just her sweet self. Sweet baby girl holding still for a lovely profile pic = very cooperative :)

Becky said...

Well, since the baby doesn't actually eat the placenta (it only swallows the amniotic fluid), I think that I won't eat the placenta either. Everyone can be placenta free then and there will be much rejoicing.

Adrianne Miller said...

We had an ultra sound on thursday and our baby was skeletor too. It is kind of creepy. My kid also flips around and kicks like a mad man. When did you start feeling it?

Becky said...

I started feeling the baby around 18 weeks. But I feel her more and more. The more I feel her, the less that I like it. I wish that the baby slept more and moved less!