Well, Nicole threw up three times yesterday and no times today so far. But, she has thrown up her antibiotic every time I have given it to her and last night she got a rash after I gave it to her. So, I stopped giving it to her. Today she has been crying off and on all day and has been non inclined to eat. I have to assume that it is the ear infection. Called the doctor to get a new prescription but my doctor has already left for the weekend. The office said they would try to get a different doctor to sign a prescription and send it off to the pharmacy. We shall see.
I've got her on Motrin, but it doesn't seem to help with whatever it is that is ailing her. This would be so much easier if she could just talk to me.
I'm starting to get cabin fever. Two weeks of being in my house alone is getting to me. I'm so sick of tv and reading and all the things that I do in a day. I want out! I want a break. But, then I remember that I am still a mommy and sometimes mommy's don't get breaks.
She has been waking up in the middle of the night every day this week which is very unlike her. She usually sleeps 8-10 hours a night. I can't tell if this is ear pain or tooth pain or a different pain entirely. I'm tired, but I feel worse for her than I do for me.
5 years ago