Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Booster Bash

I never posted about Booster Bash.
And I never will.
Pictures of the Bash below.


Unknown said...


Becky said...

I think I've said all I need to say on that topic

Sarah said...

I hope the above person gets shot while driving a car, and because they are shot, and still not dead they run into a large pole, bashing their head against the winshield and causing major brain damage. But they are still alive at this point and the pole falls over onto the car, crushing every bone in their body. Still not dead when the car explodes in a fiery inferno. Still not dead at this point but hurting majorly as the person who first shot them realizes that they have not finished the job and takes their time in reloading and shooting them down. That is what the above person deserves for desecrating Bec's blog with this dumb crap.

Becky said...

Rachel's on crack

Marie said...

Rachel's a robot.

Justin said...

This comment chain was so long, I felt like I should post on it or I would look silly. Someone posted randomly on my blog too, it was a pyramid scheme thing trying to get people to invest in fake wood. Come on, only old people actually fall for that crap, and how many old people do you know who read blogs??? That's it, the world has to die. I'm pushing the button.