Matt and I went to Matt's cousin Scottie's Halloween party this weekend. DJ, Anne and the kids came too. It was a lot of fun and it is probably the only party that I am attending this year, so I am glad that I was feeling well enough to go.
It was a barbeque/pumpkin carving kind of party. With food and pumpkin carving, there is no bad. There was a lot of people there, mostly people that we don't know because we don't see Scottie and Renee that much, but it was fun to meet new people. I was not the only pregnant lady at the party, there were four other pregnant women there. There was a lot of pregnancy in the room, it was weird, but nice to not be the only person with a baby belly.

I found a seat on the couch during the party and I mostly parked there with Anne's daughter Lucy. She is getting a lot more fun as she is getting older. She is three months old now and she is smiling and laughing. Prior to now, she was a fairly fussy baby unless Mom was holding her. But, I may have just seen her on her bad days. She was fun to hold at the party though. She was a big hit. Anne left her on the couch for a while and people kept coming over and picking her up and playing with her. Eventually, she fell asleep on the couch.

Carlitos was being very much a little boy at the party. There was candy on all of the tables and he kept snatching candy and eating it. Or, trying to eat it anyway. He got a tootsie roll and he did not quite get how to eat it and he ended up drooling chocolate tootsie roll everywhere. It was really gross. But, he didn't learn his lesson and he kept going back for more toosie roll.

I don't have a picture of Anne, but she was there, trying to juggle Lucy, Carlitos and pumpkin carving. Matt and I went to the Pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago and we picked out some pumpkins to carve for the party. My pumpkin was a decent size pumpkin, but I didn't realize how very huge it was until we brought it to the party and it made all the other pumpkins look like miniatures. Matt's pumpkin was big too. I guess we just like big pumpkins.

Anne and DJ shared a pumpkin and they carved an unrecognizable cat thing. No one really got it until there was a light in the pumpkin. I don't have a pic of them though cuz it was taken on Anne's camera.
Before the party, Matt and I looked up pumpkin patterns online and free handed a pattern on each of our pumpkins. Then, we went to Walmart and got some of those cheap pumpkin carving kits. We didn't realize that the little blades that come with the kits would be no match for our ginormous pumpkins. We both broke a tool while we were carving. It took forever to carve my pumpkin! It didn't take very long to gut it because it was a fairly hollow pumpkin, but because I drew the pattern so large, it took forever to carve! Especially with those crappy little plastic tools. But, I thought that the pumpkins turned out well. I carved a mummy and Matt carved a scary wolfman lookin' face. The pumpkins are now hanging out on our porch and are the only decorations that I am doing this year.

The party was a lot of fun and I'm glad that we were able to go and that the fetus was very cooperative on Saturday.