Wednesday, October 22, 2008

17 weeks

I'm at 17.5 weeks now. I don't think that my belly looks very different from 15 weeks, but it sure does feel different. I feel like I am getting bigger and bigger, but I know that it is actually a very slow process. I often just feel a lot heavier in front than I am used. It is that darn baby and all it's weight that it is adding on to me. It is like 7 oz now.

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm actually able to occasionally go out and about in the evenings for like an hour or two and I don't start to cry. Which is a huge accomplishment for me. I find myself being a lot happier and a lot more energetic. I still get tired really easily and go to bed WAY early, but I think that that is a small sacrifice. This stage in my pregnancy is definitely more favorite than that lamo first trimester. I don't know who invented the first trimester, but they just like to watch women suffer.


Adrianne Miller said...

You give me hope. Isn't it funny how something that is a few inches big can make you so big and feel so big? By the way, I know the pic on my blog doesn't look like I've got a belly yet, but like magic, and basiclaly over night, one grew. It really freaked me out. You can't see much with that shirt I was wearing but today I am prego for sure and people are noticing.

Marie said...

As you get fatter, I get skinnier! Mwaahahahah!

Sarah said...

Okay, Becky, keep up the getting bigger work, I support it. And pictures of Matt's burnt hand. food!

Jasmine said...

Just wait till the 20-24 weeks. That's when I changed the most each week. It'll be like you just popped out one day. It's fun! (And that's when you start not being able to wear anything you used to be able to still squeeze into before then that's not maternity.) Start looking (for lack of a better word) for little baby movements, too. You should be able to start feeling her move in the next week or so. I first felt Alexis move at about 17.5 weeks. At first it just feels like little butterfly flutters, but they'll get stronger and more noticable. Then the fun really starts. :) I'm so excited for you! Almost halfway there!