Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Smell of Fall

I was outside yesterday morning and I smelled Fall. I love the smell of Fall. It is so crisp and so clean and it just smells wonderful. Fall is my favorite season. I love it the most because of the smell and because Halloween is in the Fall.

Halloween is my favorite Holiday. I love to decorate the house with fun Halloween decorations and I love to dress up for Halloween. I think it is so much fun to dress up and have an excuse to party. There is just no bad there.

I hope that the cooler weather continues and that the hot days are behind us.

Side note: My Matt Face has decided to begin blogging. You can view his blog at


Sarah said...

Matt's blog barely exists, what the heck. I love fall best too! The weather is perfect, the leaves are beauty, and it does smell fantastic. Halloween is fun...but I can never think of a decent costume, I'm lame like that.

Jasmine said...

I so miss the smell of fall! Since Southern California pretty much boycotts the change of seasons, I don't get to experience my favorite times of the year. That sux....

Enjoy fall enough for the both of us!