Saturday, November 06, 2010

Our October

This is a picture dump because I have a bunch of random pics from October.

At breakfast, Nicole has a melt down if she doesn't have her blanket with her.  But, we don't want her dipping it in the yogurt, so we put it on her head and she is happy.

Nicole loves to try on Daddy's Utes hat.  She is a fan already!
Nicole's new (and slightly annoying) thing is to wear a bib all around the house.  I don't know why.
This is us on the Halloween cruise.  Nicole was not a fan of her life jacket.
After church the other day, we put her in her high chair to eat lunch and she fell asleep half way through her meal.  Too stinking cute!


Jasmine said...

I love the blanket on her head! And at least she'll still wear a bib. :)

Sarah said...

I've realized why she's so weirdly cute. You guys made her that way.

Marie said...

What Sarah says is true. She makes up little songs because you do :)